Additional Forms of Bodywork:
Ashiatsu is a form of bodywork that applies therapeutic pressure (through clothing) to promote health and well being. Although “Ashiatsu” literally means foot (ashi) pressure (atsu) in Japanese, ashiatsu techniques also make use of knees, elbows, palms, and fingers where necessary and appropriate.
Chair Massage
Performed with the client fully clothed in a chair designed for the purpose. Massage sessions are short (10-20 minutes) and typically target the head, neck, shoulders and back.
Craniosacral therapy
Developed by Dr. John Upledger. It is a gentle, hands-on approach that releases restrictions in soft tissue and tension deep in the body to relieve pain and improve health.
Using glass cups to create a vacuum in order to increase warmth and circulation. Cupping can be very effective for relieving pain in Fibromyalgia sufferers.
The traditional massage of Hawaii, it combines massage with sacred Shamanic principles and energy awareness.
Structural integration technique discovered by Dr. Ida Rolf, which reorganizes connective tissues in the body.
Thai massage
A system of massage and assisted stretching developed in Thailand, and influenced by the traditional medicine systems of India, China, and Southeast Asia. It is often performed on the floor with the client dressed in comfortable clothes that allow for movement.
A hands-on body treatment that uses Chinese Taoist and martial arts principles in an effort to bring the eight principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine into balance. The practitioner may brush, knead, roll/press, and rub the areas between each of the joints, known as the eight gates, to attempt to open the body’s defensive (wei) chi and get the energy moving in the meridians and the muscles.