
Cancer and Massage Therapy: One Woman’s Story

The closing session of our recent AMTA Massage Therapy Conference featured presentations by Dr. Gabriel Lopez, Oncologist at MD Cancer Center, and Suleika Jaouad, a young cancer survivor and NY Times columnist. I was honored and privileged to witness this presentation, and it was perhaps my most poignant and powerful experience of the conference.

Dr. Lopez described how massage therapy, among other holistic modalities, has provided remarkable benefits for those experiencing cancer. Patients have reported improved sleep, relief of some pain, decreased intensity and duration of nausea, and perhaps most significantly, a sense of “reclaiming ” their body and their wholeness, despite enduring typically invasive procedures. The Center is finding new avenues to integrate massage therapy as both regular and expected aspects of a comprehensive healing approach to cancer.

We then watched a video chronicling (largely in real time) the challenging and traumatic experience of Ms. Jaouad, as she confronted her cancer. I was in tears through most of this film, and especially during her talk that followed.

Her story begins after she had just graduated from Princeton at age 21, and was ready to explore the world at this new stage in her life. For several months prior to this, she had experienced symptoms such as feeling weak, being subject to infections, and significant fatigue. She went to 4 physicians and had no effective diagnosis. The 5th doctor finally put it all together, diagnosing Leukemia that was now acute since she had had symptoms for so long.

In her own words:  “Overnight, I Iost my job, my apartment and my independence”. She began conventional cancer treatment, but in 6 months, the cancer had progressed. She was deeply depressed, suffering, and “felt strange to herself”.

Her physician suggested she explore an alternative clinical program at the MD Cancer Center and massage therapy was offered as part of the program. She thought she would try it despite some doubts and misgivings. After her first massage, she “had her first “good night’s sleep” in several months. She felt better in her body, and was impressed by the presence and compassion her massage therapist brought to the session. Her therapist helped her “imagine herself and her body as a place of healing”. Suleika continued with her treatment plan, and recognized that massage was an integral and very important component as she continued on her path toward healing.

Her participation in the documentary film, produced by the NY Times, opened new opportunities for her to fulfill her desire to become a journalist. She now writes a column called “Life Interrupted”, especially directed toward young adults with cancer.

Now, at age 27, she has completed chemotherapy, and is in remission. She speaks to medical students, emphasizing that bedside manner, communication and compassion, along with the conventional medical protocols for cancer treatment, are significant contributors to the patient’s healing process. While massage therapy is not currently given much consideration as part of the treatment plan, Suleika hopes this will change.


Note: I made every effort to indicate direct quotes from the presentation. In some cases, however, I may have neglected to give adequate reference to the speaker, and perhaps inadvertently used her words as as my own in my representation of the facts. Either way, the story rings true, and was phenomenal for me to experience.




Fewer $$$ Better Care

Massage Therapy Reduces Health Care Costs
Research conducted by John Dunham & Associates (JDA), a leader in the field of tax
and regulatory economic impact studies, found that integrating massage therapy into
medical care can reduce health care costs. The American Massage Therapy Association
(AMTA) has released the research to reinforce the relationship between massage
therapy and costs of care.
Patient Savings
“The research findings indicate that integrating massage therapy into ongoing care has a positive outcome for patients and in many cases lowers health care costs,” said Jeff
Smoot, AMTA President. “The information in this study can help support a national
dialogue on the detailed cost effectiveness of massage therapy and provide a starting
point for conversations among patients and their health care providers.”
Significant Cumulative Savings
  1. When the total number of treatments is analyzed cumulatively across approximately 66 million outpatient services, the research indicates that private insurers could save as much as $4.55 billion in costs annually, if they were to cover massage therapy nationally.
  2. For individuals, the benefits of massage therapy accrue when taken as part of a comprehensive treatment system, and the data indicate that visiting a massage therapist in place of additional hours at the hospital or doctor’s office, or substituting massage in place of some other treatment, is where the savings truly emerge.
  3. A growing number of medical centers throughout the U.S. now fully integrate massage therapy into patient care, including the Mayo Clinic, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Duke Integrative Medicine program, Cleveland Clinic and the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute.
Economic Impact of Massage Therapy
The economic impact of massage therapy is significant in the U.S. It is estimated to be
an $11.7 billion industry in 2014. U.S. consumers continue to seek out professional
massage to support their health and wellness goals. According to the annual 2014
American Massage Therapy Association Consumer Survey, between July 2013 and July
2014, roughly 32.6 million adult Americans (15 percent) had a professional massage at
least once.

Natural Ways To Relieve Sinus Pressure and Congestion

Sinus congestion can turn an otherwise perfect day upside down. The pain, inflammation, and general discomfort can drive a person crazy. Thankfully, however, there are some natural ways to relieve nasal pressure and congestion.


You might be surprised to learn that a humidifier can relieve sinus pressure. Many people experience nasal congestion during the winter because of the dry air. Low humidity causes the sensitive mucus membranes lining the nasal passage to dry out and even crack, resulting in painful inflammation. This inflammation squeezes the nasal passage together, making it difficult to breath through your nose. continue reading »

Certain Foods May Elevate Your Stress Levels


There’s no better way to start the morning than with a cup of freshly brewed coffee. The pleasing aroma, delectable flavor, and kick of caffeine will instantly wake you up. If this is part of your normal morning routine, however, you should limit yourself to just 1-2 cups of coffee, as too much caffeine can lead to higher levels of stress. Caffeine is a powerful stimulant that speeds up the heart and elevates the blood pressure, both of which can lead to stress.

Other foods and beverages that contain caffeine include sodas, chocolate, tea, energy drinks, and even chewing gum. continue reading »

The Surprising Benefits of Using a Foam Roller

foam-rollerFoam rollers have become increasingly popular over the past few years. Featuring a simple log-shaped piece of foam, they offer a wide range of benefits from soothing muscle pains to preventing injury. Of course, these are just a few of the many reasons why you should use a foam roller.

One of the great things about foam rollers is the countless number of ways that you can use them. One of the easiest techniques is by getting in the “crab crawl” position with the foam roller placed under one of your legs. As you glide back and forth, the roller will massage the calf muscle. continue reading »

Go Green and Better Your Health With a Compost Bin

compost-419261_1280The most obvious benefit of composting is that it allows you to create your own ready-to-use soil. While you may already have plenty of soil around your garden, chances are it’s not nearly as nutritious as compost. Compost is made from leftover organic material, such as vegetables and fruit peelings; therefore, it contains beneficial microorganisms that promote healthy plant growth. You can use this to your advantage by filling your garden with rich, healthy compost material. continue reading »

Reduce Rheumatoid Arthritis Joint Pain With Massage

hand-351277_1280Do you suffer from the chronic inflammatory joint disorder known as rheumatoid arthritis (RA)? If so, you aren’t alone. According to the Arthritis Foundation, approximately 1.5 million people in the U.S. have the disease (source). While it’s more common in adults over the age of 35, both men and women of all ages can develop RA.

To better understand RA, you must first take a step back to view how the body responds to foreign invaders. When bacteria, mold or other invaders attempt to enter and attack the body, the immune system responds with its own attack. With RA, however, the immune system views the soft tissue surrounding the joints as foreign invaders – thus creating a wide range of unpleasant symptoms. continue reading »

Top Foods For Healthy Hair

salmon-012The food you eat plays a critical role in a number of bodily functions, including your hair. People who consume empty-calorie foods (foods with calories but no real nutritional value) are more likely to experience weak/frail hair, split-ends, poor coloring, and other problems with their hair. So, which foods should you  consume for a healthy head of hair? continue reading »

Benefits of a 90-Minute Massage

massage-389716_1280While massage therapy is most beneficial if you have it done on a regular basis, it’s also true that even a single 90-minute massage session can have a profound impact on your physical and mental well-being. A skilled massage therapist can identify and target “problem areas” within your body, kneading out myofascial trigger points (muscle knots) while leaving you feeling fresh and rejuvenated. continue reading »

Tired of Painful, Achy Feet? Try These Remedies

legs-434918Do your feet feel tired and achy regularly or at the end of some days? Foot irritations may present in the form of minor tenderness or swelling, or may have transitioned to the level of pain, which could even restrict your ability to run/walk. Given the demands we place on our feet, it’s easy to imagine how they can become overused or abused.

You might be surprised to learn that there are 24 different bones in the average person’s foot, along with the hundreds of nerve endings. If your foot is injured, or even one of these bones becomes misaligned, a wide variety of symptoms, including pain, swelling and tenderness may result.

More serious conditions are sometimes evident, and you should consult your physician if pain is extreme or becomes persistent. Taking care of your feet is essential to preventing future pain and problems from developing.  continue reading »