
5 Tips To Help Kick Your Sugar Addiction

sugar-cubes01-smAre you addicted to sugar? If so, you aren’t alone. According to the American Heart Association  (AHA), the average American consumes a whopping 89 teaspoons of sugar per day – about 3-4 times more than the recommended daily allowance.

Sugar adversely affects the body in a number of different ways. It increases a person’s chance of developing diabetes, promotes tooth decay, contributes to fat accumulation and subsequently obesity, and weakens the immune system. continue reading »

How Massage Therapy Can Relieve Your Tension Headaches

massage-therapy-headaches-01-smTension headaches are one of the most common types of headaches, affecting tens of millions of Americans each year. They are characterized by shooting pain in the head, scalp, neck and surrounding area. While most people treat their tension headaches with acetaminophen or similar over-the-counter pain relievers, massage therapy can prove to be just as effective, if not more so.

The Scoop on Tension Headaches

What makes makes tension headaches unique is how they are created. Scientists and doctors are still trying to determine exactly what happens when a person experiences a headache. The brain is an incredibly complex organ with an estimated 100-500 trillion synapses, and the more we study it, the more we realize just how little we know about it.

With that said, doctors have pinpointed the cause of tension headaches as built-up muscle tension – muscles in the head or neck which remain constricted. continue reading »

7 Superfoods That Can Change Your Life

blueberries_blue_berries_393027_lYou are what you eat is an adage that holds more truth than you may realize. Unfortunately, many people today focus their diet around processed foods that are high in sugar, sodium and fat. Diets such as this can increase a person’s risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and more. You can protect your body and health against such illnesses, however, by eating lean meats, fresh vegetables, and by adding the following “superfoods” to your diet. continue reading »

3 Ways To Improve Your Posture

poor-posture-01Have you ever noticed that you or others have less than ideal posture? Whether you’re sitting down at a desk, standing, walking or running, you should focus on maintaining your body’s natural position. This means keeping your head and neck up while avoiding slouching or slumping.

Some of the physiological problems linked to poor posture include:

  • Headaches
  • Scoliosis
  • Kyphosis (hunched back)
  • Herniated disc
  • Abdominal pain
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • Joint degeneration / arthritis
  • Muscle tension
  • Acid reflux
  • Heartburn
  • Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ) — problems related to the chewing muscles and joints.

The good news is that you can reverse the effects of poor posture by following some simple steps.

#1) Sit Correctly

One of the most common causes of poor posture is sitting incorrectly. Allowing your lower back to slump down and curve places additional stress on the vertebrae, which in turn can lead to poor posture.

The right way to sit at a desk or table is to plant your feet about shoulder-width apart, keep your head and neck faced straight ahead, and provide support for your lumbar region. Depending on the type of chair in which you are sitting, you may need to use a special cushion or insert for lumbar support. Without this support, your lower back will slump down and throw off your body’s natural posture.

#2) Yoga

Yoga is both a spiritual art and a physical discipline, and includes controlled breathing, meditation, and practice of bodily postures. Practicing it regularly is almost certain to improve your posture. Yoga incorporates a wide variety of bodily positions into regular exercises, strengthening and toning muscles that would otherwise go unnoticed in traditional workouts.

How exactly does yoga work to improve the body’s posture? It’s able to do this in a couple different ways, one of which is by repetition. If you sit in and watch a yoga class, you’ll notice the instructor and participants frequently stretch their body into various positions. Performing these same positions regularly gradually improves the body’s posture. Of course, yoga also strengthens muscles which support the body’s natural posture.

#3) Core Exercises

A third technique for improving posture is to perform exercises which strengthen the core abdominal muscles. A stronger core means more spinal support; thus, promoting a natural, proper posture.

There are dozens of different exercises which focus on the core, the easiest of which are leg raises. Simply lay down on the floor, raise both of your legs parallel about 2-3 feet, hold the position for 10 seconds and lower. Rinse and repeat until you are no longer able to perform any more reps. Other core-building exercises include bicycle crunches, planks, and situps.

Seven Conditions That Massage Can Help

Many people associate massage with pampering or as luxury reserved for special occasions. And indeed, it can be so, with its own appealing benefits.  Additionally, and with increasing scientific evidence, massage has been shown to be a valuable adjunct to your wellness, health and fitness program. Consider these possibilities:

Massage is good for improved flexibility in muscles and joints.  However much we try, we cannot always maintain the correct balances to keep joint and muscle movement optimized.  We favor one leg over the other, we bend over our computers for too long, we sit too much – all these practices contribute to imbalances. Through massage, and specifically, active and passive stretching, your massage therapist can bring relief to any compromised flexibility. continue reading »

Meditation and Massage: Excellent Combination for Processing Emotions

mediation-061614A recent study found that meditation beats ordinary rest when it comes to dealing with difficult emotions and memories. Even better, the form of meditation that works best is one you can do while you are enjoying a soothing massage.

Researchers used MRI machines to scan the brain activity of experienced meditation practitioners during a variety of activities. Comparisons were made between regular rest and 2 forms of meditation. One was non-directed meditation where the mind was allowed to wander. The other was guided meditation where the practitioner is more involved. continue reading »

Did you know that massage can be used to treat depression?

depression-060214There’s nothing better than relaxing at the end of a stressful day. You can get in your comfy clothes and just unwind. A massage is a very useful tool to help relax your muscles and your mind. But did you know that massage can also be used to treat depression?

While medication may be used in the treatment of depression, the use of massage may be greatly beneficial as well. continue reading »

Massage, Yoga and YOU

yoga-060214Anyone who has ever had one knows that the feeling of relaxation and rejuvenation that you get after a nice, long massage will undoubtedly improve both your best and your worst days. Wouldn’t it be lovely if you could start each and every day with a two hour long, full body massage?

Unfortunately, most of us live in the real world where scheduling that amount of “me time” is just not practical.

Fortunately, there is an easy at home method for those of you who would like to benefit from feeling more relaxed and rejuvenated even between massages: yoga. continue reading »

5 Benefits of Stress Relief for a Healthy Lifestyle

happy-couple-051914Living a healthy lifestyle can be a lofty goal to achieve.  Using massage therapy to relieve stress may be the secret weapon that you need to help you achieve this goal.  Massages help you relax and they relieve the tension that has built up in your muscles.  Getting a massage once a month is part of a healthy lifestyle.

The side effects of stress on your body can be devastating and detrimental to your health.  Below are five amazing healthy benefits to relieving stress from your body and your life through massage therapy. continue reading »

Your Body’s Response is the Key to How Massage Works

Massage therapy is a wonderful form of healing art that causes major physiological changes in your body by triggering mechanical and relaxation responses.

Mechanical responses are simply the physical effects that take place when varying amounts of direct pressure are applied to the soft tissues of the body. One of the major benefits that occurs from effective massage therapy is improved blood and lymph circulation, which initiates a chain reaction of sorts. The improved circulation enhances the delivery of oxygen to the muscle cells. This, in turn, leads to reduced swelling in the tissues and also allows them to function more efficiently. continue reading »