- Integrated Body Therapies
Christine A. Ruppert, LMT5712 Stillwell Road
Rockville, MD 20851301-231-8695
The Benefits of Massage for Arthritis
Arthritis is a word that is thrown around a lot these days. Arthritis is defined as a painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints. While arthritis is frequently thought of as an old age ailment, it can actually affect anybody, even children. This debilitating disease affects nearly 48 million Americans. It reduces a person’s ability to remain mobile, it reduces their quality of life and the health care costs are staggering. But there is hope for those who suffer from arthritis. continue reading
How Massage Can Help With Postoperative Pain
A survey performed in 2009 showed that 48 million inpatient surgeries were performed that year. Everything from eye surgery to musculoskeletal surgeries were included. And this survey doesn’t even include the millions of outpatient surgeries that were performed. A staggering 80 percent of the people undergoing surgery reported that they had some form of postoperative pain. Additionally, some10 to 50 percent of these patients then develop chronic pain from the surgery itself. That’s a whole lot of people who didn’t get relief from their pain, even after a surgery that may have been indicated to correct the initial pain. continue reading
Massage for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a problem that affects hand function and is caused by the compression of the median nerve at the wrist. According to a 2010 survey, carpal tunnel syndrome affects nearly 5 million Americans. Carpal tunnel syndrome does not always have a definitive cause, but it is more common in people who do a lot of repetitive motion with their hands, such as people who do computer work, or some artists and musicians. continue reading
5 Reasons to Get a Massage This Winter
For many people, the winter months are more difficult to get through than other times of the year. With shorter days, less sunlight, colder temperatures, inclement weather and less social interaction, people tend to become depressed as the season of winter approaches. Just like our wild cousins, winter is often a time of hibernation and rejuvenation. But there are ways to combat the winter blues. continue reading
Home Massage for Infant Colic
Colic is defined as severe, fluctuating pain in the abdomen, caused by gas or an obstruction in the intestines. When a newborn baby suffers from colic, they tend to cry or be fussy, even though they are otherwise healthy. Approximately 20 to 25 of all babies experience clinical colic. Pediatricians now think all babies actually suffer from this affliction, but only 20 to 25 percent cry incessantly due to the discomfort of the condition. Colic tends to peak at about six to eight weeks after birth and generally clears up by nine months of age. Those months can be rough for everybody, though. continue reading
5 Ways Deep Tissue Massage Can Benefit Athletes
In the United States, massage therapy is generally considered a luxury. But the truth is that massage can be used for much more than just relaxation. The health benefits of massage are numerous. Massage therapy can relieve pain, increase energy, improve sleep, encourage healthy digestion and more. continue reading
How to get a massage every day while living paycheck-to-paycheck
The average massage can cost anywhere between $65-$225 depending on what’s included and where you go for treatment. Whether you’re wanting steam baths, hot towels on your face or simply looking for a way to address your aggravated knots, there are still ways you can get a massage each day while living paycheck-to-paycheck! continue reading
3 Reasons To Gift Yourself A Massage This Holiday Season
There are many benefits to getting a massage, reducing stress being one of them! With all of the hype around holiday-planning, visiting relatives and using your mental energy to socialize with more people that you’re likely used to, gifting yourself a massage this holiday season can help you get through to the end of the year with ease! continue reading
3 Ways to Massage Away Nausea
Massage can be an amazing tool for relieving nausea, and here are a few ways that massage can help with nausea.
Self-massage is a great way to relieve digestive irritations, cramps, morning sickness, stress-related nausea and more. Many people hold their stress in their abdomen which can lead to nausea, general queasiness, and perhaps even vomiting. By gently massaging the abdomen, nausea can be greatly reduced. The motion of the massage is important when being performed on the abdomen – generally clockwise.
Abdominal massage is especially helpful when there is digestive upset. Using a clockwise motion, and beginning at the lower left portion of the belly, gradually work up toward the ribs, then from left to right across the body, and finally downward toward the lower right side of the large intestine. This follows the natural path of the gastrointestinal tract and helps with peristalsis of the stomach and intestines. You can also find relief from nausea by massaging in the middle of the abdomen in a counter-clockwise direction. continue reading
5 Reasons to Get a Massage This Fall
As summer weather comes to a crawl and the feeling of fall becomes more prominent, it’s important to allow our bodies to relax and recover from the hype of summer activities. For most, summer is the most active of all seasons because children aren’t in school, family vacations are more frequent (YEAH!), and the warm weather and longer days allow us to be outside more. With the busyness of our lives, it’s not uncommon for people to feel exhausted by the time autumn rolls around as our lives and routines fall back into place. continue reading