
Celiac Disease 101: Understanding This Growing Medical Condition

celiac-disease-02Celiac disease is a condition in which a person’s immune system attacks the small intestines when gluten is present. If a person who suffers from celiac disease consumes rye, wheat, barley, or any product containing these grains, he or she may experience a wide range of unpleasant digestive systems.

Contrary to what some people may believe, celiac disease is not a rare condition. According to a recent study performed by researchers at the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research in Baltimore, approximately 1 in 133 Americans suffer from the disease. Many of these cases remain undiagnosed, with individuals assuming their digestive symptoms are caused by eating too much greasy or acidic food. continue reading »

What’s Really In Your Olive Oil?

olive-oil-356102_1920Olive is oil is nutritious, versatile food byproduct that’s used by millions of people worldwide. Some people use it as a cooking oil, while others use it as a dipping sauce. Unfortunately, though, recent studies are revealing a darker side to the olive oil business. Even though a bottle is labeled “100% olive oil,” it may actually contain other ingredients and fillers. What’s even more disturbing is that most consumers can’t tell the difference between authentic and fake olive oil; therefore, they unknowingly purchase and consume a product that is essentially mislabeled. continue reading »

Top 5 Fat-Burning Foods

Still struggling to shed those unwanted pounds? The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that more than a third of U.S. adults are overweight, resulting in approximately $140 billion in related medical expenses. Whether you are looking to lose 5 pounds or 50, eating the right foods may help you accomplish these goals. There are certain foods which may hinder your weight loss progress, but there are also foods that can encourage it. For a list 5 of the top fat-burning foods, keep reading. continue reading »

Smart Dieting Tips To Keep The Weight Off

tape-403590We all know that exercise combined with healthier diet are the best ways to lose weight. Maintaining your new body weight, however, can be more difficult. It’s not uncommon for individuals to suffer from ‘rebound weight gain‘ after getting down to their desired size. Even if you continue your normal gym routine, it may not be enough to prevent rebound weight gain. In order to keep the weight off, you must make smart choices regarding your diet and nutrition. continue reading »

6 Fun Facts About Wine

wine-42831323234243_640Wine is more than just a delicious beverage to compliment a meal or snack; it’s a part of mankind’s history that dates back thousands of years, spanning across the globe. The truth is that most people consume this beverage without realizing its true value or importance. To help shed some light on wine, keep reading. We’re going to reveal 6 fun and interesting facts about wine. continue reading »

4 Powerful Foods To Improve Your Heart Health

salmon-01Taking the lives of nearly 385,000 people each year, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. for both men and women. Smoking, high LDL cholesterol, obesity and high blood pressure are the biggest contributing factors of  this hidden killer. While eating the wrong foods will increase your chance of developing cardiovascular disease, eating the right foods will actually reduce your chances. Keep reading to learn 4 of the best “heart-healthy” foods to ward off cardiovascular disease. continue reading »

The Hidden Dangers of Processed Foods

hot-dog-01Over the past 30 years, the amount of processed foods we consume as a society has doubled (source). Many today are stuck in the mindset of picking up fast food burger instead of preparing their meals. While opting for fast food might save you some time, it’s a poor decision that will ultimately take a toll on your physical and mental health.

It’s no secret that processed foods such as those purchased from fast food burger joints are bad for your health. However, most people don’t realize just how bad it truly is. For a closer look at the hidden dangers of processed foods, keep reading. continue reading »

Top 3 Inflammatory-Fighting Herbs

Do you suffer from chronic inflammation? According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), chronic inflammation contributes to seven of the top ten leading causes of death. It’s commonly associated with heart disease, cancer, respiratory disease, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and nephritis. Thankfully, there are several all-natural herbs that can counteract the effects of inflammation, offering relief to its potentially life-threatening effects. continue reading »

5 Powerful Health Effects of Olive Oil

Derived from the fatty liquid of pressed olives, olive oil is a versatile substance that’s loaded in nutritional value. Just a single tablespoon has 10 grams of monounsaturated fat, 1.4 grams of polyunsaturated fat, vitamin E, and other other key nutrients. While most people consume it for its delicious flavor and smooth characteristics, olive oil has surprising health benefits when consumed on a regular basis.

#1) Protects Against Heart Disease

Consumption of olive oil on a regular basis may lower your risk of heart disease. The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that approximately 600,000 people die each year from heart disease, making it the leading cause of death among men and women. Olive oil, however, can reduce your risk of heart disease by lowering levels of LDL (the bad kind) cholesterol while raising levels of HDL cholesterol (the good kind). continue reading »

Apple Cider Vinegar as Health Potion?

bragg-acv-01I know what you’re probably thinking: why on earth would I want to drink vinegar? After all, its strong odor can turn your stomach before you even place the stuff to your mouth. Well, apple cider vinegar is a powerful ingredient with some surprising benefits. So if you’re willing to get past the smell, you’ll find this beverage to be a powerful health drink.

#1) Prescribed By Hippocrates

Hippocrates, who many consider to be one of the leading pioneers of western medicine, often prescribed apple cider vinegar to his patients to treat a broad range of ailments including fever, nausea, insomnia and vomiting. Patients were amazed to discover the healing and rejuvenating effects this natural substance offered. “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food,” said Hippocrates. continue reading »